
Equipping Your Base Station With the Best Antenna

By |2020-07-23T18:52:25+00:00July 23rd, 2020|Categories: Design|

Have you ever thought about how your antenna affects your radio’s performance? More than likely, you accept those blind spots as a part of using your radio, but what if you could improve reception? More often than not, radio operators don’t think about their base station antenna. Typically, people think of antennas as an inexpensive commodity [...]

What is a P25 Digital Radio Repeater and How Does It Work?

By |2020-05-05T13:42:15+00:00May 4th, 2020|Categories: Design|

Modern communication has developed light years beyond our wildest imagination. Even still there is a demand for higher levels of outreach and an increasing need for communication. A radio repeater has been the answer to communication across the world for decades. Also known as a two-way radio repeater, this piece of technology receives a radio signal and [...]

The Basics and Tech of Public Safety Radio

By |2018-04-20T21:08:57+00:00April 20th, 2018|Categories: Design|

Wondering what the basics of public safety radio are? This technology is always changing, but if you're considering a career in public safety, it's a good idea to know how this communication tech might affect your job. Public safety communications are one of the most important parts of the job - without a way to communicate, [...]

How to Choose a Replacement Mobile Antenna for Your Radio

By |2019-08-01T22:05:24+00:00April 3rd, 2018|Categories: Design|

Mobile radios are getting more and more common in the workplace these days from schools to firefighting to construction and police. The one factor they all have in common is these people have information that must be transmitted clearly and accurately. So, what can you do when your transmission isn't going through well? One option is [...]

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